Climate change

I was ploughing through the morning traffic on vihdintie going towards Helsinki. First I listened to the eight a clock news from ylenaikainen. A hot topic discussed was the G20meeting in London and how they would handle the current economic crisis. A side story to this was that the climate change – Oh yes, did you notice that they stopped calling it global warming because it isn’t globally warming? – is a topic that ought not to be forgotten in this economic climate which is not conducing to restrictions that would “help” the environment. Why I put quotation marks around help is that I don’t trust that any of the actions proposed will alleviate the climate issue we are facing at the moment. The Bible tells us that going will get extremely tough just before Jesus Christ returns to take dominion of His kingdom. One of the things that will be tough in these times is nature which will be in a total upheaval.

We can however take comfort in the first covenant that God did with mankind and all living creatures. In Genesis He sets the rainbow into the skies to remind Him and us that newer again will He flood the entire planet killing every living creature. In this covenant God promises that while the earth remains:

seedtime and harvest
cold and heat
summer and winter
day and night
shall not cease.

Well, back to G20 and the climate issue. As soon as the news and sport were over I switched to the new Finnish voice Biblethat I’m in a habit of listening on my work trips to get quite a shock. The text that was playing was Jeremiah that states that our evil deeds shifted the times of the year and prevented us from receiving what is good.Damiana: In the Mayan times, it was used as aphrodisiac and contained substances called terpenes, beta-sitoserol, arbutin, alkaloids and various aromatic oils which have a stimulating effect on sexual apparatus. generico viagra on line

The news that just played and this Bible passage clicked and I’m convinced that I know the reason for the unrest in our climate. None of us who spent the winter of 07-08 in Finland can deny that the times of the year aren’t out of whack. So what would the remedy for the “climate change” be?

Could one be so bold as to suggest that instead of worrying about our carbon footprint we should be worried about the state of our lives as seen by God? What about all of us individually repenting (turning away to never do again) of a habit that is not acceptable to God? Given that the crisis at hand is slightly greater than an individual should we do repentance as a nation bit like Nineveh who as a whole fasted, cried mightily to the Lord and turned away from their wickedness and as a result was speared the wrath of God? What could this repentance be for us as a nation?

I think there are several things we should turn away from, but of the current things discussed in our society first that comes to mind is the economic plight of the unemployed and the students in comparison to the unjust bonuses given to the leaders at Fortum for doing nothing that would merit such sums of money. Equally horrifying is our justice system that will give a more severe punishment for driving too fast, in comparison to what kind of punishment you get for child molestation or severely beating up your wife!!!

The flip side of this coin is that the Bible tells us what will happen before Jesus returns so why bother trying to make the world a better place? Fortunately standing idly by while the world ruins it’s self is not an option given to Christians.

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