Messiah oratorio

Some of you might be wondering why a common advent song would merit a blog post on a Christian website in May?
Well, first of all; it is not an advent song although it is sung before Christmas by many people. At least the most famous movement “Hallelujah” chorus has absolutely nothing to do with a cuddly newborn kid in a manger who loves the whole world unconditionally.

Nope, this portion of the story is about an angry tattooed Man, whose clothes are dipped in blood, riding a white horse. While this ferocious Man is riding to meet the biggest army that this world has ever had, a loud voice calls to the four corners of the earth inviting birds to feast upon the flesh of kings, captains and of mighty men. And what a feast it is; the entire army is annihilated singlehandedly by the tattooed Man. Yep, He is all grown up now, and commands His own army, not that He would need one.

What are the ‘Hallelujah’ praises tied to then, if not Christmas?

To find out the reason for the hallelujah praises we just need to read the story a bit more. Looking just a little bit backwards in the story we can find the action to which these hallelujah praises are a response to.

It is God judging the world system, namely trade. It seems like it has become a near all-powerful force in this world which seems to hold us all ransom.

Take the two resent worldwide economic crisis that have hit us. First was the problem in the US created by banks loaning money to people who could not pay it back. These loans were then re-packaged and sold to other banks. The second instance involved – surprise, surprise – yet again US banks who shamelessly loaned heaps of money to a government they knew was mismanaging their funds.It is in a class order viagra discover this of drugs called PDE5-inhibitors.

Both of these crises have been caused by gluttonous bankers who in their lust for money shamelessly create monetary instruments that are a sure-fire to fail. The only thing that is guaranteed is that they will make money for the bankers. First and the least profitable option is that for some reason the instruments somewhat work. Second option is that the instruments fail and the banks cry out that they need to be rescued which obviously comes out of the tax payer’s pocket. Third option – the ultimate goal –is that banks turn against their customers driving them to bankruptcy and in the process obtaining their material possessions with a minimum cost. The ultimate goal situation happened in Finland in the nineties.

In my opinion all monetary crisis are deliberately caused and are transfer of wealth to the wealthie(r/st) from the have-nots of the world who always get a raw deal in these situations. To put the spirit of the world in words, it would be as Gordon Gekko puts it “Greed is good” or in the Wall Street sequel “Greed is good – and now it’s also legal”.

So where are you? Are you at the point where you would welcome God judging the world economic system and praise Him for doing so? Don’t know about myself but what I know is that every time injustices like this or worse happen, its brings me closer to saying ‘Maranata’ every waking hour of my life.

Come Lord Jesus and save us from ourselves!

So, the next time a ‘Hallelujah’ creeps up in you, you know what you are praising; the destruction of the world as we know it.

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