Who to fear?

It was our car’s time for its yearly service so I took it to be maintained with a list of things we had either broken on the car or that were somehow wrong. To my delight the replacement car given to us was a couple of classes above the car class we had reserved. So I drove off with an upbeat feeling cranking the radio up to volumes that make my wife jump out of her skin. Me, being an old heavy rock listener enjoyed an old school rock tune. This enjoyment was abruptly brought to a halt by the hosts discussing how well-endowed they were causing me to switch the radio channel only to find myself listening to a program where pornography scholar was discussing the beneficial effects of porn to the sex life of Finns to the excitement of the gleeful hosts. So it was time for the next station. They were broadcasting a raunchy pop song talking about a saving love that to me was a sure-fire way of getting yourself thrown into the eternal lake of fire. Enough of that!

Why did I then end up listening to this you might ask? Well, normally in my car I’m armed with my Bible CDs and my favourite worship music. So normally I don’t expose myself to this stuff. I used to, and looking at it in hindsight it seems that the popular culture of the world numbs us to the ungodly ways of the world and choosing to expose yourself to the Word of the Lord and praise and worship do the opposite by sensitizing our self to God and his ways.

These obviously were blatant contradictions to the Word of God making them easy to recognise and turn away from. What about the more subtle seductions we face? As an example, for me one of the things is speeding. You know, a nice winding road, perfect weather conditions and the feeling that you are one with your car with the speedometer approximately 15% above the legal limit.

What does the Bible tell us about this? It is painfully clear on the subject leaving no room for debate about the subject. Romans 13:1 states “Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers.” making my insubordinate action a blatant sin! Not a serious one, but you need to keep in mind that God’s ways are totally different to ours and it is stated in James 2:10 “For whosoever shall keep the whole law, and yet offend in one point, he is guilty of all.” We as Christians obviously aren’t under the law required to keep all its commandments, but it clearly illustrates how seriously God takes all sin whether it be murder or knowingly driving over the speed limit.

What does the knowledge of this do to me? Well, I purpose myself not to drive over the speed limit and this in turn causes me to feel the pressure from the people in the cars queuing behind me and the comments from people inside the vehicle pushing me to go a bit faster. This is just one of life’s many situations where I get to choose who to fear, man or God. First of all I pray that I would have the capability in God’s grace to choose Him and secondly that choosing God would become easier.The doctor would be examining you to make Visit Website (buy cheap levitra) sure that nerves and blood vessels are not damaged while removing the tissues that cause cancer.

So how seriously God takes sin, you might ask? In the Old Testament the requirement was to sacrifice animals instead of killing the sinners thus providing forgiveness of sin. Now we have Jesus Christ of whom John the Baptist said in John 1:29 “Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world.” Jesus is our sacrificial Lamb who was (2 Corinthians 5:21) made to be sin in our behalf so that we could avoid the penalty of sin which is the horrid lake mentioned earlier.

To me the answer to the last question is crystal clear. God cannot and will not tolerate sin even to the point where He gave the life of His only Son to be taken in the most torturous way known to man!

Thank You for the cross.

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