Archives for : August2008

Who to fear?

It was our car’s time for its yearly service so I took it to be maintained with a list of things we had either broken on the car or that were somehow wrong. To my delight the replacement car given to us was a couple of classes above the car class we had reserved. So I drove off with an upbeat feeling cranking the radio up to volumes that make my wife jump out of her skin. Me, being an old heavy rock listener enjoyed an old school rock tune. This enjoyment was abruptly brought to a halt by the hosts discussing how well-endowed they were causing me to switch the radio channel only to find myself listening to a program where pornography scholar was discussing the beneficial effects of porn to the sex life of Finns to the excitement of the gleeful hosts. So it was time for the next station. They were broadcasting a raunchy pop song talking about a saving love that to me was a sure-fire way of getting yourself thrown into the eternal lake of fire. Enough of that!

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